Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Nexxxt Generation of Fitness: The Shake Weight

I'm an advocate of working out and maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle, but whatever happened to doing it the old fashioned way (healthy diets and standard workouts)? America's obsession with quick fixes (try to find an infomercial without it saying "quick", "easy", fastest", etc.) and overreliance on paying for results has created a market for pseudo-scientific fitness products. Economics 101: Where there is market demand, opportunistic entrepreneurs and businesses are sure to surface with supply. Mix this with the sex sells mantra and some odd products are sure to hit the market. First came Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease, then came the Stripper Pole workout, then came Flirty Girl Fitness, and now this...

[Maturity test: Watch without laughing and we will send you an autographed bag of Swedish Fish.]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you men found my secret!!!