Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Your Turn to Take a Seat Usher, 'Cuz this is Our Confession...

It seems that the "cool" thing to do nowadays is to confess to wrongdoings (for related story click here). This past decade has provided us with more confessions than a Celebrity Rehab marathon on MTV. Self-disclosure is the new Ed Hardy. After confessions from the likes of David Letterman, Ex-Senator Edwards, Eliot Spitzer, Tiger Woods, Chris Brown, Kanye West, Mark McGwire (kind of), and other public figures, the media and citizens of the uber-forgiving and comeback story loving country that we live in open their arms and reestablish any love lost. With this in mind, we at Soul Reflecksions have a confession to make. We use a performance enhancing drug (PED). Our PED goes by the street name of Roy G Biv, and refers to a cocktailish concoction consisting of red bull, vodka, and a splash of orange juice. After shutting down some of the nation's ultra-chic nightclubs (e.g., XS, Tao, Mosaic [KC], Underground, and last but not least American Legion 757), people began to question the innateness of our exuberant personalities and knee-buckling dance moves. So, now that we've fully disclosed this guilt-packed confession, and our souls are purged, it's time to celebrate... ROY G BIV anybody?

R: Red Bull
O: Orange Juice
Y: Yellow in Color when Mixed Properly
G: Good Tasting/ Drink from a Glass
B: Black Cherry
I: Ice
V: Vodka (leave the house vodka alone... tell 'em Diddy)

ROY G AND THE BIV: Jungle Fever

1 comment:

Campbell "Soup" Watts said...

Check out what the kids in AZ are drinkin these days--->

Loaded Coronas

Written by Campbell Watts

Time: Sunday, January 2, 2010, 11:09 a.m.

Location: American Junkie

"Oh the Corona. Simple by itself; light, crisp, refreshing. But when this popular cerveza is topped with a shot of Bacardi Limon, unique events occur. People laugh louder, dance looser, and worries erase. The "loaded corona" is not simply just a drink, it's an escape to a happier place... Paradise should hire this drink as it's mascot."